SCAA Executive Board Meeting

SC Department of Archives and History Columbia, SC

August 17, 2005

Present: Sarah Murray, Alexia Helsley, Elizabeth West

  • Call to order

    President Alexia Helsley called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.

  • Minutes

    The minutes from the June 22 meeting were reviewed and approved.

  • Treasurer's Report

    No report.

  • Continuing Business

    A. Listserv: Brian Fahey emailed the board regarding an email account he set up with Yahoo to function as a listserv. The account is set up under with an address book of SCAA member email addresses. He provided instructions on signing up to the account and asked that the Board members try it out.

    B. Board vacancies: Helsley shared Sharon Bennett's email with the board regarding the directors slots. Bennett has not heard from Mike Kohl of Clemson. Nic Butler declined the offer. The board decided to come back to the slate of nominees.

    C. Fall conference: The board discussed the arrangements for the fall conference, speakers, and awards. Helsley asked if there were any nominees for the friends award and if SHRAB or Roy Tryon have ever received it. Doug King and Kate Boyd are confirmed for the session on digital collections activities at the University of South Carolina. The session on problem patrons could have Tucky Taylor from Thomas Cooper Library, Steve Tuttle from SCDAH, and perhaps someone from a small library. Sarah Murray will contact Warren Graham about speaking on the panel or in a plenary session. Fritz Hamer was suggested as the keynote speaker. He has a book coming out on the Charleston Navy Yard. Elizabeth West will contact him. The final session will be on grants. Helsley will contact Mary Morgan at the State Library about finding someone there who could give a talk on grant applications. The Humanities Council may also be able to supply someone to talk about their grants.

    The program schedule was tentatively set as:

    Plenary session on problem patrons 10:15-12-15

    Lunch (Fritz Hamer keynote speaker) 12:30-2:00

    Concurrent sessions on digital projects and grants 2:15-3:45

    Murray will develop the brochure. Helsley suggested it needs to go out by September 14 and asked who could help with the local arrangements. Brian Collars of SCDAH will help with local arrangements, and West will send a notice to the student listserv at USC for three student volunteers, who will receive free lunch and registration.