SCAA Annual Business Meeting

Archives and History Center, Columbia, South Carolina

October 10, 2006

  • Call to Order

    President Suzanne Singleton called the meeting to order at 1:20 p.m.

  • Minutes

    The minutes from the October 13, 2005 business meeting had been distributed for review. Singleton asked for corrections; none being presented, a motion to approve the minutes was seconded and passed.

  • Treasurer's Report

    A copy of the report was distributed in the conference folders. Treasurer Jim Cross told members that SCAA was “solvent” and mentioned the new endowment. Money for the endowment will be transferred from the general account, but it has not yet been done. Anyone with questions is encouraged to contact Cross.

  • Membership Report

    Membership director Henry Fulmer was absent, but Singleton reported that the new membership directory is now available for distribution. Copies will be mailed to those who are not in attendance at today's meeting. There are currently 78 members, up from 65 last year. Membership renewals will be mailed in December or January. Everyone is asked to encourage colleagues or former SCAA members to join or re-join. The new SCAA membership brochure was included in the conference folders.

  • Election of 2007 Officers

    Past President Alexia Helsley presented the nominees for the offices:

    Debra Bloom, for Vice President / President-Elect

    Heather South, for First-Year Director

    Jim Cross, for Treasurer

    Helsley called for nominations from the floor, but none were made. Marion Chandler moved to close nominations and to accept the slate of nominees. The motion was seconded and the slate elected.

  • Awards

    Vice President Elizabeth West thanked the award committee, Helsley and Beth Bilderback, for their work. She requested that Helsley present the Career Achievement Award, which was given to Ben Hornsby, who retired in August after 36 years of service to the state archives. West presented the President's Award to outgoing president Suzanne Singleton for her leadership and contributions to the profession.

  • Outgoing President's Message

    Singleton pointed out the information on the new endowment in the conference folders and asked everyone to review it. She asked that members apply for awards and share the application form with others who may be interested. She thanked the committee which worked on the endowment, including Robin Copp, Ann Evans, and Dennis Taylor.

    Singleton said that the website was up to date and would continue to improve with a new logo and a new look due soon. She said information about the endowment and award winners would soon be listed. She also thanked Nancy Piester for help with the website and Kate Moore for her work on the website and on SCAAzette. She asked the members to send information, articles, and institutional news to Moore for the newsletter. SCAA now has a permanent mailing address at SCDAH, and Singleton thanked Roy Tryon for arranging this.

    She mentioned that the Executive Board has been working on planning a financial audit for SCAA and encouraged anyone with interest or relevant experience to volunteer.

    She thanked those responsible for planning today's conference, including Mike Kohl, Laura Koser, Judith Smith, and Heather South. She also thanked Elizabeth West for organizing the annual social in September.

  • New Business

    Jim Cross announced that PASCAL's digital collections committee will meet next week to approve a five-year plan for South Carolina digitization, which will then go before PASCAL's board. If approved, they will then set up task forces to work on various aspects of digitization standards.

  • Incoming President's Message

    New president West said she looked forward to serving as president and continuing the momentum SCAA had in its first seven years. She encouraged everyone to submit ideas for speakers, socials, events, or topics to any of the Executive Board members, who will be meeting for their annual board retreat in January.

  • Door Prizes

    Guest speaker Rod Gragg drew names for the door prizes.

  • Adjournment

    West adjourned the meeting at 1:45 p.m.